Landscape Structures That Will Accentuate Your Gardens

Vine with red flowers on roof structure above the garden in Mediterranean stile

When it comes to landscaping you can not only get creative with flower beds, trees and the like, but you can also enhance your gardens with structural elements! From pergolas and gazebos to pond bridges and fountains, there are many landscaping structures you can add to really take your landscape design to the next level.


Planing Your Landscape Design

As you plan out your landscape design, you should think about creating different areas throughout your yard, similar to the different rooms in your home. In a backyard, you may want to create an inviting and relaxing area where you and your guests can sit and visit. A gazebo can provide a great setting for events throughout the day. Consider placing the structure in a well-shaded area where you can add seating and tables for even better entertaining possibilities. Whether you go with a traditional style or prefer a more modern option, this kind of structure adds architectural detail to any yard.


Picking Plants For Your Landscape Structures

The plants that you choose to grow as part of your landscaping often need a little assistance to spread and reach new heights. You may want to look into installing a structure that can be used to boost the appeal of your vegetation, such as a trellis. Many homeowners use these objects to separate different areas of their yards by creating a passageway. You can grow climbing plants, like vines, next to the structures for even more possibilities. Once overtaken by your plants, trellises seem to become a natural part of your landscape design.


When thinking about your landscaping, it is important to consider more than just what you want to plant. Utilize the different garden structures that are available today and create a yard that is unique, interesting and completely usable for anything and everything that you may want to do outside.
For a landscape consultation give us a call. At Michael Bogues Construction we specialize in a range of landscape structures that will enhance your backyard and showcase your gardening skills. Click here for a quote to get started.